
IFPYB urges youth to register to vote, calls for 40% representation in government

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Inkatha Freedom Party Youth Brigade (IFPYB) in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) is calling for 40% of youth to be represented in all spheres of government.

This as Voter registration in KZN kicks off this weekend. IFP KZN Provincial Executive Committee (PEC), Brian Masondo says they will continue to prioritise and champion the inclusion of youth in all spheres of government.

“It’s more than important for the youth of KwaZulu-Natal to go out and register for change. This coming local government election. The youth of KwaZulu-Natal on its shoulders to make a difference noting that the IFP youth brigade conferences took a resolution that at least 40% of the IFP representatives be youth in all spheres of government and the IFP is the champion in implementing that. So that’s why we are calling on all youth of ages 16 to upwards to go out in all force to register,” says Masondo.


LGE 2021 | IFP election campaign in Ntuzuma, Durban

The Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) has promised to ensure that all its elected councillors are accountable should the party govern the eThekwini Metro.

IFP President Velenkosini Hlabisa, who is visiting various voter registration centres at townships in the north of Durban, says corruption has no place in their party. The IFP only has ten of the 220 seats in the council.

To strengthen its campaign, the party has introduced 211 candidates.

Hlabisa addressed the media at a voters’ registration centre at Ndabomuhle primary school in Ntuzuma.

“Our youth have accorded that they must be part of the November 1st by-elections. They must voice their wish by removing corrupt government and put the party they can trust – which is the IFP. They must remove lazy councillors who look after themselves and put IFP councillors who will be their servants. We commit [as the ] IFP that we will hold our municipalities and we will hold our councillors accountable. Any councilor who will not be living to that standard, we are not afraid to recall or to remove that particular councillor,” says Hlabisa.

