
Late Ambassador Billy Masetlha described as ‘a man of strong character’

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The funeral service of the late Ambassador to Algeria, Billy Masetlha is under way at the Bryanston Methodist Church, north of Johannesburg.

Masetlha passed away a week ago, following a long illness.

He served the government in various capacities, including as director-general of the National Intelligence Agency and he was deeply involved in the anti-apartheid movement, as a member of Umkhonto we Sizwe.

Speaking at the funeral, Deputy Minister of Defence, Thabang Makwetla hailed the late Ambassador as a man of strong character.

The audio below is reporting more on the story:

Earlier, Gauteng Premier spokesperson, Vuyo Mhaga said Masetlha has been accorded a Special Provincial Official funeral.

“Mr Masetlha was the founding member of the Congress of South African Students (Cosas) and played an instrumental role in other political organisations such as the Azanian Students Organisation and the Soweto Students Representatives Council. Mr Masetlha became involved in the struggle to attain democracy at a very young age.”
