
Kimberley residents set new years’ resolutions for 2023

Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the world ushers in the new year, some Kimberley residents have already set goals for the year 2023. They hope that the new year will come with success, prosperity, and an overall better life.

Some psychologists are urging those with resolutions to set realistic ones to avoid the disappointment of not achieving them.

A young married couple says, “We will want to look for a new car, the kids are going to crèche. Just being parents as a young married couple achieve more and walk up the stairs hand and hand together.”

“I’m only going to be my own competition going forward. So, there’s no one that is going to compete with me,” says a resident.

Others are reflecting on the year that was with intentions to tweak some parts of it.

One resident says, “I want to achieve a lot next year, because this year I couldn’t do anything. Like there are some things I couldn’t do for this year. Especially like saving.”

“I don’t think I have like exact plans, but I’d like to make it mentally, emotionally just be in a good place and survive through the year,” adds another resident.

“Just moving up the corporate ladder, where we work, where we love, where we socialize, we just want to elevate,” concludes another resident.

Psychologist Dr. Alan Robertson says having resolutions is not a bad idea.

“Some psychologists might say to you, let’s do away with new year’s resolutions completely because they put so much pressure on people and 90% of us, if not more, never keep the resolutions. On the other hand, some psychologists might say, goal setting is always important. It’s always important to have a future story. So, at the beginning of the year, might be important to set a few realistic goals.”

Kimberley residents set goals for the year 2023:
