
Government respects workers’ rights: President Ramaphosa

Cyril Ramaphosa
Reading Time: < 1 minute

President Cyril Ramaphosa has assured workers that his administration respects the rights of unionised workers and looks forward to working with unions in building a prosperous country as South Africa emerges from the COVID 19-linked economic crisis.

The president was delivering an online address to mark the 30th anniversary of the South African Democratic Teachers’ Union (Sadtu).

President Ramaphosa’s address:

The president was speaking ahead of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) labour action across the country on Thursday against retrenchments, wage freezes and other matters.

Ramaphosa says government is committed to protecting the rights and interests of workers.

“Let me also reassure you that the government takes very seriously the rights of workers, the rights that were won through struggle. Our democratic government is totally committed to ensuring that the rights that you won in your struggles as workers will not be devalued.”

All systems go for Cosatu’s national strike:
