
Eastern Cape High Court dismisses application for interim interdict by Shell

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The High Court in Makhanda in the Eastern Cape has dismissed the urgent application for an interim interdict against the seismic survey planned by Shell along the province’s wild coast.
The urgent application for the interim interdict was filed by two NGOs and two sportfishing clubs.
The groups argued that the exploration activities Shell applied for are unlawful and affected parties were not given an opportunity to appeal the exploration right.
Questions around environmental damage were also raised.
Shell argued that all approvals are in order for it to continue and delaying the project now will amount to huge financial losses for Shell who has invested in the preparation already.
The company also says that there is no evidence that the surveys affect marine life negatively as is demonstrated by the vast number of similar surveys that have been conducted over the past five years around the globe.
The application was dismissed with costs.
Furore around Shell’s plans continues: 
