
Direct from Rio

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Brazil has defended the draft outcome document that will be presented to heads of state who are due to arrive in Rio for the UN’s Global Sustainability Summit on June 20. NGOs and Civil Society groupings have labeled the document a watered-down huge disappointment lacking in ambition.But the host country that took charge of shepherding the process just days ago, brushed off the criticism while insisting this was a deal of substance.

June 20, 2012In a preview to his country statement at the Rio+20 conference in Brazil, President Jacob Zuma questioned whether the principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibility has been implemented by all countries. Zuma was participating in a roundtable side event that specifically examined the instruments of implementation that would be required to bring Rio+20 to life.

June 20, 2012
South Africa’s chief diplomat has struck a optimistic tone as world leaders finalise an agreement in Rio de Janeiro that is expected to become the a compass document for the planet’s sustainability. International Relations Minister Maite Nkoana Mashabane reacted to a deal negotiators concluded earlier this week that has illuminated a great divide between politicians and civil society activists.

June 21, 2012President Jacob Zuma chastised world leaders for not doing justice to the spirit of Rio Declaration 20 years ago. In his country statement to the UN Summit on Sustainable Development in Rio, the President referenced the first Earth Summit in 1992 which set out the guiding principles for sustainable development throughout the world.

June 22, 2012President Jacob Zuma says governments, working through the UN, must come up with a decisive plan of to ensure that outcomes from the UN Summit on Sustainability becomes a reality. He was speaking to the SABC as the outcome document of the Rio conference was adopted through acclamation by the assembly.

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