
Democratic Alliance opens new campaign headquarters

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Democratic Alliance has opened its new campaign headquarters in Bruma, east of Johannesburg.

Party leader, Mmusi Maimane says the building will be called Nkululeko House, which means freedom house because it is where the party will boost its effort to bring freedom to poor, unemployed and marginalised South Africans.

“Today is a historic day. This is Nkululeko House, this a place where we can ultimately say that the DA has a formal footprint in Gauteng… It’s an indicator that the DA is the only alternative for South Africa and is a party that is standing up for values and principles. Nkululeko House will be our new federal head office, federal house… Really the nucleus of the party will be in Gauteng and the Gauteng head office will be here so we can demonstrate to people that we are not only governing here in Gauteng but fighting for the freedom of all South Africans,” says Maimane.

He says buying this building shows they are serious about being the only real opposition to the DA. He mentions a quote that says “a hungry person cannot claim freedom.” This he says is why this house is important, through the work done here, the DA will bring freedom.

The party’s polling, research, campaign, war room and all media conferences will now be held at Nkululeko House.

Watch Maimane talking about Nkululeko House below:
