
De Lille plans to take DA to High Court

Patricia de Lille during an interview
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The leader of the GOOD party Patricia de Lille said she will file an application at the High Court in Cape Town to stop the Democratic Alliance (DA) from spreading lies about her departure from the party.

This comes after the DA told potential voters during telecanvassing that they had fired De Lille from her position as Cape Town Mayor.

Last week, the Electoral Commission of South Africa (IEC) ordered the DA to apologise to the GOOD leader as they have breached the Electoral Act and Code by instructing their call center operatives to tell voters that De Lille was fired.

The DA has however refused to apologise. The DA has reportedly launched an application to review the IEC’s decision.

The DA’s Gauteng legislature chief whip, Mike Moriarty says they feel that the IEC has acted beyond it’s mandate in making the ruling.

He says they will, however, abide by whatever decision the court makes.

“Our basis for our court action which will be heard on Friday, we hope that the court rules on whether or not the IEC can indeed make instructions of a binding nature. Whether we are right or wrong, the court will decide and we will abide by the outcome of the court.”

“But the issue is does the IEC have the power to make binding decisions, we say they don’t,” says Moriarty.

