
DA has strong diversity credentials: Steenhuisen

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Re-elected DA leader, John Steenhuisen, says the official opposition has strong diversity credentials when it comes to delegates and those elected to leadership positions in the DA.

The DA’s two-day Federal Congress was held last weekend in Midrand, Johannesburg.

Steenhuisen beat former Joburg Mayor Mpho Phalatse to lead the DA for another three years.

“The makeup of the Congress was, by far, the most diverse of any party in the country. Our leadership was elected by that diverse base and I do think that the DA’s leadership reflects SA. You have Indian South Africans, Coloured South Africans, Black South Africans and White South Africans in the top six. Point to (me) one other leadership of any party in the country that has that diversity. I fundamentally disagree. I think that the DA’s leadership reflects SA in all its diversity. Of course, those who like to play the racial abacus will always find some way to be unhappy about what the DA is doing. But, I think that the facts speak for themselves.”

Steenhuisen says DA has strong diversity in delegates, leadership positions: Dr Levy Ndou

South Africa’s poor will be the biggest losers should there be an EFF-ANC coalition post the 2024 elections according Steenhuisen.

Steenhuisen was speaking to the SABC’s Morning Live, following the party’s Federal Congress this weekend, which elected new leadership for the next three years and adopted policy.

He highlighted the party’s strategy going towards elections and defended the composition of his executive.

Steenhuisen says this weekend’s Federal Congress has launched the party’s 2024 election campaign. He is confident that the party’s mission to bring the ANC below 50% of the vote next year is within reach.

“By the time the 2024 elections come around, given loadshedding, given the poverty and hunger, given the rising cost of living, I think ordinary South Africans are going to walk away from the ANC and start looking at other parties who are not only talking about solutions, but are also showing South Africans where we govern we can get things done and turn things run. We will end loadshedding in Cape town and other DA-run municipalities. We are already stepping in to keep people safe when the national police fail and I think being able to show, rather than tell, we’ll inspire many more South Africans to say these guys are serious about the future.”

The DA leader believes that together with like-minded opposition parties, the party can be at the helm of a coalition to govern the country post the general elections. He says the alternative of an ANC-EFF coalition will devastate the economy and service delivery, bringing poor people who depend on government to their knees.

The video below is the full interview with John Steenhuisen:
