
DA flip flops on fracking

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Delegates at the Democratic Alliance (DA)’s 5th Federal Congress have withdrawn a motion relating to support of fracking after a heated debate.
Earlier today the original resolution in opposition to fracking was suddenly turned around when the majority of delegates stated they support fracking, as long as, certain measures with regards to primarily legal compliance are enforced.
Towards the end of the Congress though the issue was tabled again and, after proposing numerous amendments that would offer local communities more say in the matter, the thorny issue was removed from the table.
The earlier move to support fracking stood in stark contrast to the DA Parliamentary caucus’ position of opposing gas fracking in the Karoo.
In September this year, government lifted the 14-month moratorium on exploring shale gas using the controversial fracking method. This paves the way for oil companies to start work on determining the extent of the country’s shale-gas resources.
The moratorium was imposed last year following concerns from environmentalists who said fracking would ruin the area.

– By Christelle du Toit
