
Current low COVID-19 infection rate could indicate delay in fourth wave: Health Department

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The Department of Health says current low coronavirus infection rates could indicate a delay in the onset of the virus’s fourth wave in South Africa.

Earlier predictions had estimated the arrival of the pandemic’s fourth wave to be in December.

“Our numbers are still low, and it seems that the fourth wave may be somewhat delayed and only arrive in January. There’s a number of factors affecting this, some of them relating to the virus and particularly where various variants of the virus emerge and become dominant. The bottom line is that there will be a fourth wave and we need to prepare for that fourth wave,” says Dr. Lesley Bamford of the Health Department’s COVID-19 team.

 Professor Salim Abdool Karim explains what should be expected during the fourth wave:

Today, the National Institute of Communicable Diseases reported  305 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total to 2 924 622.

The number of fatalities stands at  89 435.

Below are the latest coronavirus statistics: 




