
Continuous rolling blackouts negatively impacting schooling in Western Cape: Maynier

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Western Cape Department of Education says efforts to recover from learning losses due to the COVID-19 health crisis are being severely curtailed as a result of the ongoing rolling blackouts in the country.

Western Cape Education MEC David Maynier says the current unreliable electricity supply prevents the sector from catching up from the setback of the past two years.

Maynier has expressed concern that learning will be further disrupted if the continuous electricity outages do not end in time for the beginning of the third term.

“While schools are currently closed for the mid-year break, load shedding continues to cause serious disruption to education in the Western Cape. The winter break is a critical time for our students. Winter school and revision programmes are under way, which are especially important for our matriculants as they count down the weeks until the National Senior Certificate exams,” adds Maynier.

The video below is reporting that stage 4 and 5 power cuts will continue today:

On Wednesday, small business owners in Cape Town said they are losing income daily as rolling blackouts continues to take its toll.

With further outages expected throughout this week, many are concerned about making ends meet, especially at a time when fuel and food prices have skyrocketed.

One of the go-to places for vetkoek (amagwinya) in Cape Town is a spaza shop that has been around for more than two decades.

However, the continued load shedding is making trading difficult.

Small business owners in Cape Town heavily affected by rolling blackouts:
