
Cele bemoans police killings, calls for better tactical response training for officers

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Police Minister Bheki Cele has bemoaned the killing of police and called for better tactical response training for officers to protect themselves in the line of duty.

On Saturday, Cele delivered the eulogy at the joint funeral service of the two slain North West police officers whose charred remains were found last week.

SABC News reporter Sentleeng Lehihi updates from the funeral of the officers: 

Sergeant Mojalefa Molete and Constable Simon Ntsekeletsa disappeared while attending to a stock theft incident in Mareetsane near Mahikeng.

Cele says police training must be improved.

“It doesn’t help to come here and bury these police and leave these criminals flourishing out there. It’s important that we work together to flush out criminality. We have to improve the technical training of our police. I have raised this thing time and again. Police can’t just be murdered by criminals.”

Five suspects, including a father and his minor child, have been arrested in connection with the killing of the two officers.

Minister Bheki Cele briefs media at the funeral service:
