
All systems go for the Free State ANC PEC

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It’s all systems go for the Free State ANC’s eighth provincial elective conference coming up this weekend.

The party’s Provincial Task Team(PTT) led by the coordinator William Bulwane backed by the youth and women’s leagues as well as the regional leadership has vowed to ensure that the conference goes ahead.

This amidst threats by a disgruntled faction to approach the court to prevent it from happening.

Bulwane says the PTT maintains that it is engaging aggrieved comrades in an effort to restore unity and the confidence of ordinary citizens in the ANC ahead of next year’s elections.

At the same time, Bulwane says the validity of the membership of the faction that is threatening legal action is under scrutiny.

Bulwane says all the logistics in terms of venue transport and accommodation of delegates are completed.

He says: “The programme and all conference documentation are ready and among the reports to be presented in our provincial conference is our election strategy and the Thuma Mina Campaign strategy.”

“We formally wish to denounce all negative social media reports that the conference is not proceeding as untrue,” says Bulwane.
