
Ramaphosa to unveil more job opportunities at EPWP 20th anniversary

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President Cyril Ramaphosa is expected to officiate the 20th anniversary of the Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) at the Buffalo City Stadium in East London in the Eastern Cape this morning.

Ramaphosa is also expected to launch Phase Five of the programme which will be used to unveil more work opportunities that will benefit women, young people and poor households for inclusive growth, sustainable development, and community empowerment.

While government continues to praise the benefits of this programme in the Eastern Cape, accusations are mounting on the level of nepotism in the recruitment processes of the programme.

Eastern Cape Public Works and Infrastructure MEC Ntombovuyo Nkopane has called on the public to report any possible acts of transgression in the administration of the programme.

“No, there is no nepotism that has been reported so far, we just have perhaps something that we can just say is a perception. But there are no names that have been brought forward.”

“Even when it gets to Wards, we find that Ward councillors are accused of having [employing] their relatives. We do search and research on those. We also investigate to check how far are we on those. But at the moment we don’t have culprits,” says Nkopane.

VIDEO | Workers call for more EPWP resources:
