
Tshisekedi’s cabinet exclusions triggering violence in DRC: Analyst

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Political analyst Professor Chris Isike says DRC President Felix Tshisekedi’s exclusion of people of Rwandan descent in his cabinet has triggered the latest spate of violence in the country.

The renewed fighting between the Armed Forces of the DRC and M23 rebels has displaced at least 150 000 people, more than half of them children since the beginning of this month.

The country held their general elections last year and since Tshisekedi’s re-election things do not seem to get better in the towns and villages surrounding the City of Goma.

Isike elaborates, “One of the things people don’t know is that the approach of the DRC government towards the M23 group, the rebel group, has been to pacify them through including them in government and rewarding them with military positions. So, those pacification has become a strategy and whenever they are not happy, they tend to become very violent, so immediately after the election.”

