
Human error a factor in road fatalities: Mackenzie

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Western Cape Mobility Minister, Ricardo Mackenzie says that the province has had a terrible start to the festive season, with 55 deaths already recorded on the province’s roads since the beginning of December.

Mackenzie says that human error has contributed to the fatalities on the roads so far, and said that some of the accidents could be prevented.

“It has not been a good start to the festive season. We’ve seen around 46 crashes so far (preliminary figures subject to change upon verification) and 55 people that have passed away in crashes. A horrible horrible start since the first of December. It is an increase. Last year overall in the province we had 44 people and now we have 55. That is a massive increase. The reasons behind these crashes have been – one for example this morning, blatant irresponsibility – an individual admitted on the scene, that he was tired. He slept, he didn’t know what happened. So, these are things that are preventable – simple things. Please stop when you’re tired, don’t drink and drive.”

Mackenzie says 600 traffic officials have been deployed on major roads in the province.

Traffic volumes are increasing with families, buses and freight trucks on the road.

Minister Mackenzie is reminding drivers of the critical safety measures for ensuring everyone arrives safely.

Operations include checking the roadworthiness of vehicles and ensuring motorists adhere to the rules of the road which include, buckling up, and ensuring kids are restrained.

Mackezie is also reminding drivers to adhere to the speed limits and not to indulge when they are behind the wheel.

Editor’s Note: This article has been updated on December 16th, 2023, to accurately present the information.
