
Zuma not fazed by reinstatement of charges

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Former President Jacob Zuma says he is not fazed by the reinstatement of corruption-related charges against him. Zuma has addressed hundreds of his followers after his appearance at the Durban High Court on Friday.

The trial has been postponed to 27 July. The 16 counts of fraud, money laundering and racketeering charges stem from the multi-billion rand arms deal in the late 1990’s.

Zuma says the deal was handled at national level, whereas he was MEC for Economic Development in KwaZulu-Natal at the time.

His son, Edward was among the supporters outside the court.  Edward Zuma echoed his father’s warning that he might spill the beans.

“He is very much innocent, it is a conspiracy. It’s lasted for over 15 years and it’s not about to stop now, we are well aware. We know who the culprits are and in time if court proceedings unfold such individuals will be exposed. He’s always said he’s stress free. You would always stress if you know are guilty. But if you know consciously you are innocent there’s nothing to stress about.”

Zuma has threatened to spill the beans about people who he says vilify and tarnish his name. Addressing his supporters outside the Durban High Court on his second appearance of his fraud and corruption case,  Zuma continued to plead innocence in any corruption.

He lambasted those who, he said, are alleging that he is corrupt when they themselves are not clean.

In an apparent reference utterances by SACP general secretary Blade Nzimande, Zuma said he will defend and protect himself from his attackers who provoke and attack him in public and in their meetings.

In an SACP media briefing last week, Nzimande alleged that Zuma was destroying the tripartite alliance.


