
WATCH: Sascoc improper governance inquiry

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The inquiry into allegations of improper governance at Sascoc, the country’s umbrella sport and Olympics body is underway at Ellis Park in Johannesburg.

The Commission will also look at Sascoc’s alleged non-adherence to its own constitution. The inquiry is expected to continue for most of the month.

The inquiry will be headed by retired Judge Ralph Zulman, who will lead a team that includes former cricket boss Ali Bacher, and Labour Law expert Shamima Gaibie.

The inquiry is looking into allegations of poor management and financial mismanagement, as well as charges that the Board failed to respond to the Minister of Sport on those allegations. It’s likely also to feature contrasting versions of events from Sascoc’s current leaderhip and Tubby Reddy, one of three people recently fired by Sascoc.

