
Van der Burg dismisses cheating reports

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Olympic gold medallist Cameron van der Burgh says he’s not unduly worried by reports that he cheated in the finals of the 100 metres breast stroke at the London Games. Van der Burgh has been accused by the Australian press of putting in more than the required one dolphin kick in a race which he won in a new world record time. Organisers have since said they may resort to underwater cameras to monitor swimmers’ kicks. Van der Burgh arrived back in South Africa today. He says it’s unfortunate that he has been the victim of Australian press. “My record states in my whole swimming career I have never been disqualified once. I have never been warned once. I have from the heats, the semis and the final. There were six different judges that watch every side, every turn and every stroke and I was cleared. Those people are not there for a holiday.” Earlier today vuvuzelas droned and South African flags fluttered as Olympic medalists Cameron van der Burgh and Chad le Clos arrived to an enthusiastic reception at Johannesburg’s OR Tambo International Airport. Van der Burg and Le Clos were accompanied by representatives from SA Swimming, the SA Sports Confederation and Olympic Committee as well as Sports Minister Fikile Mbalula. The minister says the two have proved that South Africa’s swimmers could succeed.

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