
Ramaphosa leads ANC leadership in a bid to quell violent protests in Mahikeng

Reading Time: 2 minutes

President Cyril Ramaphosa has arrived in Mahikeng, North West. This is ahead of an urgent meeting of the party’s top six, national deployees in the province and the provincial executive committee members.

Ramaphosa’s delegation is also expected to meet with alliance partners in the province including the provincial legislature caucus members.

The President has arrived in the country Friday morning after cutting short his visit to the United Kingdom to attend to violent protests in the North West. Violent protest in Mahikeng has erupted since Wednesday and has led to a complete lock down of the provincial capital.

An ANC faction pushing for the recall of Supra Mahumapelo as North West Premier, is hopeful that President Ramaphosa will heed calls for his sacking.

The violent protests compelled the president to cut short his participation in the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in London.
Mahumapelo is accused of corruption and blamed for the deterioration in service delivery.

“Our main points of concern is that the situation in the North-West province is very untenable for the delivery of services by the provincial government. The unrests indicate to all of us that something has gone wrong and that the ANC need to step in to make sure that there is stability in the North-West province, because instability in the North-West causes instability countrywide,” says Anti-Mahumapelo group’s Gaba Tabane.

Disgruntled ANC members want Mahumapelo to be ousted.

“There is no shortage of leadership talent in the province. The people of the North-West must stand up in a disciplined manner.”

ANC Veterans in support with the community

Meanwhile, the ANC Veterans’ League in the North West says it supports the provincial community’s call for Mahumapelo to be immediately relieved of his duties.

An urgent meeting was held in Rustenburg on Thursday night, to reflect on the chaos that has erupted in the North West.

The more than 170 league members say in a statement that, under Mahumapelo’s leadership – the province has been reduced to tolerating corruption and maladministration.

The league says it’s not happy with the relationship Mahumapelo has with ANC secretary-general, Ace Magashule whom it accuses of perpetrating corruption.

