
Publication of the Voting District including mobile stations

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Independent Electoral Commission (IEC) says voting districts are demarcated to minimise voter inconvenience (voters not having to stand in long queues at voting stations), and to assist in logistical planning.

In the 1994 election, there were 10 000 voting stations.

For the 2014 elections, there were approximately 22 300 voting stations.

For the 2016 elections, there were 22 612 voting districts. Since that poll, there has been a 1.41% increase, translating to 321 additional voting stations.

Voting districts are principally determined on the basis of geographical size and number of eligible voters.

Many voting districts change shape due to various geographical, population and political changes that take place between elections.

Before an election, the IEC municipal representatives inspect maps of voting districts in municipalities in order to align the geography of voting districts with local geographic, settlement, demographic and political changes that may have occurred since the previous election.

Voting districts must also be aligned to new boundaries determined by the Municipal Demarcation Board.

Our municipal representatives also locate and confirm voting stations in each voting district. This is done in conjunction with municipal political party representatives.

In order to know if your voting district has changed check  voter registration status online.

All of your registration details will be displayed, including your voting district and station.

To also assist the mobile voting stations will be used in certain districts.

Read below for more:
