
Maimane wants Limpopo govt to charge VBS suspects

Mmusi Maimane
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Democratic Alliance (DA) leader Mmusi Maimane is accusing Limpopo government of not taking action against officials suspected of involvement in the looting of the VBS bank.

He was leading hundreds of party members and supporters in a march to Premier Stan Mathabatha’s office in Polokwane.

Maimane wants premier Mathabatha to lay criminal charges against the officials. Municipal managers and senior officials have invested millions of rand meant for service delivery in the now liquidated VBS mutual bank.

Provincial Africa National Congress (ANC) deputy chairperson and former Vhembe district executive mayor, Florence Radzilani and Treasurer, Danny Msiza are some of the people who have been named in the Reserve Bank’s report. Maimane explains

“Our memorandum is asking especially in his capacity as premier all the people who have stolen in VBS they must be fired they must be arrested they must pay back that money we’re at the point now where our people are suffering everywhere and it seems there’s no action against those people all the 11 mayors municipal managers chief financial officers and other municipal staff who’re involved in the illegal deposit they must be arrested,” explains Maimane.
