
Khoisan groups want Cape Town Airport named after Krotoa

Cape Town International Airport
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The name of the Khoi princess, Krotoa, is one of those mentioned in the debate around the renaming of Cape Town International Airport.

Indigenous Khoisan groups say renaming the airport after one of their own is critical to the preservation of their heritage.


Krotoa acted as a translator for Dutch colonists when they first came to the Western Cape in 1653.

Khoisan groups say she is a rare gem in their cultural heritage.


Indigenous Royal Administration’s Princess Chantal Revell, “Who knows about her? There is nothing out there that really represents who we are, the people of Cape Town, the first indigenous people and the name Krotoa will put that out there in the world. The sports arena, everywhere! If you look at other indigenous countries you countries like Australia they will always put their indigenous people first. With us its always Zulu or something but never an indigenous person. We are the first indigenous people of Cape Town and the name Krotoa will bring the first people here in their rightful birth place.”


Krotoa’s name is mentioned alongside the likes of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, Nelson Mandela, Albertina Sisulu and Robert Sobukwe in the renaming of Cape Town International Airport.

Khoisan groups say choosing any other name for the national key-point is similar to waging “an ethnic and cultural war”, as there will be no trace of the Khoisan left in a hundred years.


For more on the story see video below:
