
Grades 4 to 9 learners to get up to 5% extra in three subjects: Basic Education

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The Basic Education Department says it will give learners in Grades 4 to 9 up to 5% extra marks in up to three subjects to help them pass the 2020 academic year.

The 5% is an increase over the extra 2% which was given to the same grades last year.

Professor Mary Metcalfe from the Wits University says she supports the decision considering how challenging this year has been.

“This is guidance that’s been given to schools at a time of COVID-19 which is the most unusual year of schooling we have ever seen internationally and in SA. Learners did not have a full year of schooling. Learners who are at home for the second day have a very different context within which to study to teachers’ professional judgment us what is anchoring the system at this moment.”

Professor Metcalfe says learners need to be supported.

“We need to support learners; they’ve had a very tough year, a very stressful year and they need to be reassured that the education department and community and family support is going to support them in the next two to three years of catch up. Of course, the Grade 11s have very limited time moving into Grade 12 to catch up, but many other learners need to know that they haven’t covered everything, that it is not their fault, that they are going to be catching up in 2021 and 2022.”

Professor Mary Metcalfe on the Department of Basic Education’s decision to give 5% extra marks for Grades 4 to 9 learners:
