
Geingob re-elected President of Namibia

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Dr Hage Geingob has won the Namibia’s presidential election with 56.3% of the vote, according to results announced by the Electoral Commission of Namibia on Saturday.

However, Geingob’s support has dropped drastically compared to the 87% obtained in 2014.

The Electoral Commission of Namibia has announced that Panduleni Itula, who ran as the first ever independent candidate, trailed behind with 29% of the vote.

Itula is a dentist turned politician, who like Geingob, is a member of the governing party, SWAPO.

Namibia’s first woman to run for president Esther Muinjangue got less than 2% of the vote.

The commission’s chairperson Advocate Nontemba Tjipueja announced the results on Saturday.  “A total of 11 candidates contested the presidential elections. The total number of presidential votes was 826 198.”

Tjipueja adds: “It is thus my honour to declare Dr Hage Godfrey Geingob who in accordance to section nine 2 of the electoral act has accumulated a total of 464 703 votes, representing 56.3 percentage of the total votes case in the presidential race dully elected as president with effect from such date determined by the Namibian constitution.”

Namibia went to the polls on Wednesday. The Electoral Commission of Namibia says the delay in the collation of results was caused by the failure of some returning officers to send all required documents to the central results management center.

Seats in National Assembly  

SWAPO won the National Assembly vote with 65.5% (63 seats) compared to 80% in 2014 (14.5% loss).

The Popular Democratic Movement received the second most votes with 17%.  And the new political kid on the block – the Landless People’s Movement – came third with about 5%.

15 political parties contested Wednesday’s elections.

Earlier, Namibia’s incumbent President Hage Geingob thanked his supporters for re-electing him.
