
EFF anti-corruption stance makes VBS saga a big story: Analyst

Floyd Shivambu
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Political analyst, Somadoda Fikeni, says the Economic Freedom Fighter’s (EFF) strong anti-corruption stance has made the allegations against the party’s deputy president, Floyd Shivambu’s brother in the VBS saga a big story, even though most of those implicated are ANC members.

Shivambu’s brother Brian has denied receiving R16 million from VBS Mutual Bank, 10 million of which is said to have ended up with the EFF leader.

Floyd Shivambu says it is fake news that his younger brother, funnelled R10 million through Sgameka projects into his bank account.

Floyd Shivambu says he is willing to release his bank statements to clear his name.

Fikeni says, “I do think it is how they have positioned themselves is the same situation with Nhlanhla Nene, he had been presented as the paragon of virtue. So when even the slightest inconsistency was coming, it had a boomerang effect. The same as EFF they had presented themselves as the corruption buster, so anything that makes them look like they are also involved becomes a big story.”

Meanwhile,  Brian Shivambu’s laywer Victor Nkwashu says his client has been denied the constitutional right to give his side of the story in the VBS scandal report.

The EFF will hold a press conference this week to clarify whether or not it received funds from Brian Shivambu, VBS or Vele investments.

Nkwashu says, “It has condemnation; it labels people as having committed fraud, theft and having received payments. All these words are used against my client and he was never afforded an opportunity to come and explain if at all they received money from Vele Investment or VBS – my client did not receive money from VBS.”

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