
Befriend communities instead of shooting at them, Malema tells police

EFF march
Reading Time: 3 minutes

EFF leader, Julius Malema says police have the duty to protect the public. He has been addressing EFF members and supporters during a march to the Mangaung Metro offices in Bloemfontein on Tuesday.

Malema has called on the police to befriend communities instead of shooting at them when they march for basic service delivery. He says police should refrain from using excessive force against protesters.

The Old Ramkraal Prison in Bloemfontein has been in the news for all the wrong reasons. This is where Malema and EFF supporters converged for their march in Mangaung. It’s alleged that more than R120 million meant to build the Free State Legislature is unaccounted for.

Malema has accused ANC Secretary General, Ace Magashule of leading a corrupt administration during his tenure as Free State premier.

Addressing the Red Beret Brigade, Malema has called on police not to fire live ammunition at protesting communities. Malema says police have a duty to protect the state not the political party in power.

“We want democratic police. Don’t use live ammunition on your own black brothers and sisters. That is self hate. We don’t want bloody thirsty police. We want police who will sympathise with black people, who are fighting for rights. You are protecting criminals against the innocent.”

In a bid to woo voters, Malema has promised radical changes within a year if the EFF is voted into power. The EFF says the Free State’s only metro, Mangaung, is plagued by poor service delivery under executive mayor, Olly Mlamleli.

EFF Free State leader, Mandisa Makesini, says that they demand the removal of Mlamleli.

“We demand the removal of Olly Mlamleli as the mayor because she has failed. We also demand the political official bearers not to interfere with the qualified officials to do their work.”

The EFF says it is ready to bring a clean government. The party has also promised to terminate all illegal tenders once in power.
