
ANC KZN cautions against groupings in party’s list

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The African National Congress (ANC) leadership in KwaZulu-Natal has cautioned members against nominating candidates along factional lines or along their views going to last year’s national elective conference.

Party provincial chairperson Sihle Zikalala addressed delegates attending the party’s provincial list conference at the Durban University of Technology in Durban.

The conference nominated candidates to be included in the party’s list for national and provincial legislature.

Addressing delegates, Zikalala called on party members to detach themselves from factions that existed prior to the Nasrec conference.

“There are no groupings that are contesting the list conference. Those who will come here wanting to tell us that we must support so and so and not support so and so because of the national conference they are out of order, they are living in the past.”

According to the provincial leadership, the accreditation of delegates took longer than anticipated.

ANC NEC members, including Nocawe Mafu and Zweli Mkhize, are also attending the list conference.

ANC NEC member Nocawe Mafu emphasised the importance of nominating competent people who will diligently serve the ANC and the nation.

“When you nominate you nominate people that you know that at the end of the day they know and understand and they live the character of the ANC. Because these people are going to be the face of the ANC, are the people that when they are being looked by the society are people society has got comfort on these people we have nominated. Therefore their character how they present themselves and behave in public must actually assist the ANC to win the elections.”

However, there are reports that a sizeable number of branches from some regions, including Moses Mabhida, will not participate in the conference as they had failed to hold their branch general meetings and nominate and elect delegates to attend the provincial list conference.

Zikalala says, “Unity of the ANC is sacrosanct. It must continue to be the rock upon which we build this organisation. We must swim or sink together.”

