
ANC Gauteng PEC to meet over Masuku, Diko PPE tender

Reading Time: 2 minutes

The African National Congress (ANC) in Gauteng says its Provincial Executive Committee (PEC) will meet on Wednesday to discuss the recent allegations against two of its members, presidential spokesperson, Khusela Diko, and Gauteng Health MEC, Dr. Bandile Masuku.

Diko has taken leave of absence – amid a probe into the awarding of two multi-million rand contracts for the supply of PPEs to Royal Bhaca Projects, a company in which her husband is a director.

The contracts have since been canceled.

ANC Gauteng spokesperson, Bones Modise, says a press conference will be held on Thursday to clarify the party’s position on the matter.

“Most of the things will be ventilated tomorrow (Wednesday) in the PEC meeting and it is only during the press conference on Thursday that the people of Gauteng will know what’s the view of the ANC. The purpose of this is not only to look at what has been raised in the media regarding Khusela but to look at the procurement processes of the entire department as it relates to COVID-19 specifically.”

“There was a Special Investigating Unit (SIU) that came into the department to do a forensic investigation. If the report is ready it will be presenting in tomorrow’s meeting. So the ANC Gauteng, when it takes a decision, it will be informed by facts,” explains Modise.

In the video below Gauteng ANC Bones Modise speaks to SABC News

Tyrone Seale has been appointed to act in Diko’s position.

Earlier, Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) leader Julius Malema called for Diko’s removal, saying keeping Diko on the job dents the President’s fight against corruption.

Meanwhile, Diko and her husband have denied any wrongdoing.

In the video below, Piet Rampedi, the journalist who first broke the story reflects on his article:
